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Breaking Acne Solution Headlines
Hormones inneutral? (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
Tue, 03 Apr 2007 21:31:11 GMT
Gynecologists hear it every day from patients who are in the throes of midlife. "Doctor, I'm just not interested in sex anymore." Sure, some decline in sex drive is a natural part of aging for both men and women. But for women it tends to happen sooner -- just about the time they hit menopause -- and well before they're ready to let go of sexual intimacy with their partners. Many walk into their ...
03 Apr 07 08:20:00 UTC
Newsday - WARNING AGAINST BUYING ACCUTANE, GENERIC VERSIONS ONLINE. The Food & Drug Administration has launched a special Web page to warn consumers about buying the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane) without the supervision of a doctor or pharmacist ...
03 Apr 07 06:33:00 UTC - STELLA MCCARTNEY was so grief-stricken following the death of her mother LINDA in 1998, she was struck down with horrific acne. Stella, then 26, found herself battling bad skin for the first time. The designer, who has a new skincare range called ...
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